If you are looking for ways to contact Fingerhut Corporate Office because you have any queries or problems, you have landed on the right page. In this article, you will find every essential contact details of Fingerhut Corporate Office that you might be needing.
We will try to share Fingerhut Corporate Office address and Fingerhut Corporate Office postal address and Fingerhut Corporate contact number, Fingerhut Corporate fax number, Twitter handler, official website, and much more. But before we get to that, why don’t we learn something about Fingerhut Corporate Office.
The Fingerhut Corporate Office or Fingerhut is an American multinational catalog and online retailer founded by William Fingerhut in 1948 and his brother Manny Fingerhut to sell automobile seat covers.
Currently, its headquarters sits in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, United States. In 1952, the Fingerhut brothers expanded their company, rebranded themselves as a mail-order catalog company, and added other items like dishes, towels, and tools. The company went public in 1969, and the Fingerhut company’s say in the business was not there since 1979.
In 1979, American Can Company purchased the Fingerhut Corporation. Twenty years later, in 1999, Primerica, Federated Department Stores, and later, the ownership fell into Bain Capital Ventures’ hands. Currently, the CEO and President of the company is Steven H. Nave.
Fingerhut Corporate Office Contact Details
- Following are all the contact details of the Fingerhut Corporate Office you might require. Fingerhut Corporate Office Headquarters: Fingerhut Companies, Inc, 7075 Flying Cloud Drive, Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344.
- Fingerhut Corporate Office Contact Number: (952) 656-3700 or fax them on (320) 237-9160. However, it is essential to note that you can contact them only from Monday to Friday between 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM EST.
- Fingerhut Corporate Office Fax Number: (320) 237-9160.
- Fingerhut Corporate Office Mailing Address: Fingerhut, PO Box, 70281, Philadelphia, PA 19176-0281.
- Fingerhut Corporate Office Twitter Handle: FingerhutTweets.
- Fingerhut Corporate Office Official Website: For additional details, you can always visit Fingerhut’s official website.
- Fingerhut Corporate Office Help: official health and support website.
- Fingerhut Corporate Office Email Address: The company does not reveal their email address, but we have their email support form.
Checkout the list if all Headquarter:-
We hope that this article was of help to you and you got the Fingerhut Corporate Office Contact Details that you wanted.